Friday, June 15, 2012

Goodbye Oasis

After several more farewell activities (I just kept coming back, and they had to keep throwing farewell parties, barbeques and waterfights), I am back in Germany.
It took me 38 hours to get here though!

My parents and my brother picked me up from the airport.

Oh how I missed them. :D

The rest of the family came for a visit later that night. It was so great seeing everyone again.

My cousin!

My dad and my grandmother

We watched videos of the Oasis.

Right on the next day I visited my (hopefully) future University in Maastricht, the Netherlands, with my parents. On saturday I will move there for a dutch course. 

My first dutch french fries! So good!

My mom and I

The dutch did prepare well for the European championship. They didn't stand a chance against Germany anyway! :)

I've been back for about a week now and I can't believe how comfortable we live in Germany.
After living in Lombok for 9 months you see everything in a different light!

This was my last post.

For 9 months I have been posting in this blog. All in all I made 61 posts to make western people understand Indonesia, or rather Lombok, and the Yayasan Anak Oasis (children's oasis of Lombok) a wee bit better. I do think, people who followed this blog might have gotten a pretty good insight view on these things.

To me, these 9 months were extraordinary. Only very few people can claim to have made similar experiances like me, wether they were good or bad. I learned a lot during this time and will always remember the precious time I had with the Anak Oasis.
The kids at the Oasis are so wonderful, nobody could ever forget them and I really hope I can return as soon as possible. I wish these kids a happy and successfull future, they deserve every bit of it!   
I really admire the heads of the Yayasan Anak Oasis. They are doing such a great job despite the many difficulties that keep popping up. They patiently manage to overcome every crisis where I would have probably given up already. I couldn't imagine someone doing the job any better!

Thank you for the wonderful time Anak Oasis!


  1. Ein schöner letzter Beitrag ! Ich wollte mich noch mal bedanken das du dir so viel mühe mit den Blog gemacht hast. Ich denke durch dein Blog haben wir einen guten Eindruck bekommen wie das Leben in Indonesien ist ! Ich denke mal das wir "normalos" uns jetzt besser Vorstellen könne wie verdammt gut wie es hier haben !
    Die Erfahrung die du dort machen durftest ist Gold Wert vergesse diese Zeit nie!
    Ich wünsche der Oase auch alles alles gute und den Kindern dort natürlich eine gute Zukunft und ein schönes Leben !
    In diesem sinne noch mal ein grooooßes DANKE an dir Lara für den tollen Blog !!
    Lg Marc

  2. Lara, auch von uns ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an Dich für den tollen blog. Er war immer einfühlsam und unterhaltsam geschrieben und endlichnhatten wir mal englisches Material. Das wir Dich alle sehr vermissen weisst Du. Wir wünschen Dir das Beste für die Zukunftbund besuche uns eines nichtbzu fernen Tages wieder.
    Liebe Grüße, Deine Familie in Indonesien.
