Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Bunter (15)

Ani (13)

Pandu (10)
A couple of days ago I witnessed a real tragedy that still upsets me very much. I hope you can spare a few minutes and maybe then you might feel the need to help, too.

Bunter's, Ani's and Pandu's father passed away.
The mother is left alone with six children, the youngest of them 4 years old. She is illiterate, has asthma and doesn't have a job. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like she is in the kind of condition to do any job in the near future. 
Even when the father was still alive and working all day long they had hardly enough money to buy food and on some days they didn't have any at all.
The worst problem right now is for them to get something to eat.

Can you imagine worrying about finding food?

Since there is no way to get money without someone of the family working, Bunter will have to quit school and start working. Child labor is common here.
She is in her last year of middle school and just like her sister Ani one of my students at the Oasis.
Of cause we don't want any of them to quit school and start working, especially not at such a young age!

We already have some ideas of how to support the family so the children won't need to work, for example by rewarding them with rice for every day they attend the Oasis, to make sure they study instead of working.
Of cause we only intent to support them temporarely until the oldest daughter at the age of 18 finishes her school in june and can start working.

Unfortunately those expenses are not in the Oasis' budget!
We really need to find a way to keep the children in school.
And when I am talking about 'we' I include everybody reading this post. The Oasis can only do so much. We are the executives, we figure out what the children here desperately need and develop plans to help. But we need people that support us in what we do!
We can't do it alone.

If you would like to help Bunter, Ani and Pandu, I would personally be very grateful If you would contact me at Lara.Desinger@gmx.net because I would hate to see those three have to leave school and the Oasis and therefore any chance for a better future thy might have had.

1 comment:

  1. Liebe Lara, wir danken Dir recht herzlich für Deinen Aufruf. Es ist Dir damit gelungen Helfer zu finden, die die Versorgung der Familie für die nächsten 4 Monate sichern. Und sie bekommen ein kleines Schwein, was Dich sicher sehr freut. Nun fehlen nur noch 40 € pro Monat um Bunters Transport zur Schule sicherzustellen.Vielleicht finden sich noch 4 Leute die sich mit 10 € im Monat daran beteiligen wollen? Das wäre wunderbar!
    Herzlichen Dank an Dich und die Spender,
    die Mitarbeiter der Kinderoase
