Saturday, March 17, 2012


Since so many people enjoyed my 'comparison'-post I decided that I will do a post like this from time to time. It will also help you to get a pretty good picture of Indonesia.
And, believe me, there are so many differences between Indonesia and Europe, I surely won't run out of things to write on this subject! ;)

 A European and American favorite: Fast Food!

People just love Fast Food. Whether it's McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King or Pizza hut. 
So much to choose from and don't those huge Fast Food buildings look luxurious nowadays??

The Indonesian Fast Food, or more specific, the Lombok Fast Food doesn't have as much variety and clearly isn't as luxurious.
Bakso is probably the most favorite. A soup with meatballs.
These little wagons, like the one on the right, are called 'Warungs' and sell traditional Indonesian 'Fast Food'. That includes not only Bakso but also Nasi/Mie Goreng, Tahu Tek Telur and other dishes.


We also like to cross a river a little more luxuriously.
No stone- hopping needed in Germany!

Indonesians however don't care so much about bridges.
This is the 'bridge' next to the Oasis. 
Human or animal, young or old, nobody here has a problem with this 'bridge'!
And I bet these three bamboo sticks were much cheaper than those fancy little wooden bridges we have in Germany..


 Where we store our trash....
  Where Indonesians store their trash...Haha just kidding, Indonesians don't store their trash, this is just a sidewalk.Though there might be a container underneath...we'll never know.

In Germany everything works with machines. If they fail, we are srewed. And they are expensive, too! Thats why...
...Indonesians rely on pure muscle strength to till the rice fields. These cute little animals are the Indonesian version of a tractor.
For the transportation of goods, we have these big trucks. They are fast, safe and can hold tons of goods.

In Lombok people seem to have almost as much to transport, unfortunately the distances are way too short and the streets to small for big trucks. Turns out that little trucks work just as well.
And of cause the most important thing when transporting something is security! Load is not secured? Sorry, no can do in Germany.
 But then again, people in Indonesia don't really care. I've seen so many scary things on Indonesian streets, you wouldn't belive it. Unfortunately I don't always have my camera with me. This one time, I saw a man transporting a fully grown goat on his moped. Safety distance! Thats how you survive Indonesian traffic. No garantees...



  1. Super, ich bekomme immer noch einen Lachkrampf wenn ich die "Indonesian tractors" beim chillen sehe. Hier stimmt wenigstens der Slogan von glücklichen Kühen.
    Ich kann gut nachvollziehen warum bei Mc Donalds nichts los ist. Das Essen am Warung ist doch viel besser. Das sollte es bei uns auch geben.
    Beim Thema Sicherheit hört natürlich der Spaß auf. Ein Wunder das nicht mehr passiert.
    Grüß die Kühe von mir..
    LG Papa

  2. oh man war das cool ;-) aber du hättest das foto von der brücke nehmen sollen wo die kuh unter mir war ^^
    mit dem post hast du natürlich vollkommen recht, der standart ist einfach ein anderer.
    ich vermisse die 4 "snacks" (tempe goreng, pisang goreng etc.) viel mehr als scheiß macces, insofern stimme ich dir bei dem punkt nicht so gaanz zu ;P

    würde so gerne im april nach lombock :(

    LG Chris

  3. Och Chris, Du kannst doch auch später noch mal kommen. Halt mal Mai bis September im Jahr 20XX im Auge. Schönste Zeit. Wir haben auch immer ne Kokusnuß für Dich im Garten.
    L.G.Inge und Ade

  4. Was soll man dazu noch sagen außer wie gut wir es doch hier haben ! Bzw wie faul wir sind. Man lernt solche Dinge echt immer erst zu schätzen, wenn man sie wirklich braucht
    Gruß Marc

  5. Hi Inge, hi Ade!

    Ja, das war auf keinen Fall mein letztes Mal auf dieser schönen Insel, irgendwann komme ich euch auf jedenfall nochmal besuchen! Danke für die Empfehlung ;-)

    Liebe Grüsse auch an dein kleinen ipang :)
