Monday, December 12, 2011

The temple's birthday

Last week was the temple's birthday. For the Hindu's here it is kind of like Christmas, and they celebrate it just as big. For several days there were ceremonies every night and also during the day. 
The kids in the Oasis were looking forward to this for a long time now, because many of the girls get to dance at the ceremonies. Those ceremonies start very late and sometimes last until early morning. 
Even though most of the ceremonies are very similar it is always a very exciting experience for me.
 Especially because many kids at the ceremonies are kids from the Oasis and they are always happy to see me there. And I am always happy to see them in their traditional clothing and all dressed up for the dancing. 
So cute! 

 I am really sorry for how the pictures are organized on this blog.
For some reason I can't turn them and they keep getting distorted.
Watching them in full size might be better.

 Me and Ida Made. Ida Ketut's brother.

If you look closely you can see half naked people holding swords in the middle of the crowd. 
It is actually not allowed to take pictures of them. They are obsessed people. Obsessed by the guardians of the temple. They stab themselves with the swords and dance to the Balinese music. This entire time they are in some kind of trance. In the morning, of the day this picture was taken, they also drank the blood of living chickens. Of cause, I didn't go to watch that!
The next day the obsessed people will claim not to remember what happened.

The little snacks outside of the temple.

Agus actually got to hold one of the big flags during the little parade before the ceremony.

I love to see the girls all dressed up like that. Those are some of the SMP kids I teach.

Here infront of the entrance of the temple.

Dion. He is our little trouble maker, but cute as can be! Because I am a little shy to go infront of the crowd and take pictures (people stare at me without me having to stand in the front) he had to be my camera-man.

During traditional Balinese dancing, the people have to hold an offering like these with an incense stick.

Every family brings a basket of offerings like these.

This is what fresh peanuts look like. They are actually still moist and very delicious!

Of cause I had to dance, too. This is my little offering I had to dance with.

And this is me, dancing next to Ilu and some other girls form the Oasis. Men and women dance seperately. Always in a row, like this, or as you can see in the pictures below.

The men, starting to dance. 

Moni, Itin, Ani and Eka, ready to dance.

Those were the little dancers. But only the 2. and 3. girl from the left are kids from the least I think so, it is kind of hard to tell! :)

Devi, Ayu and Bunter had their own dance.

 This guy is the guardian of the underworld. 
Of cause he has to have his own performance, too!


 Kadek and Putu also danced alone. An amazing performance, and I really liked their costumes! :)
I am sorry that the pictures are like that. I just can't get them the way I want. :/


  1. ja was soll man sagen wie immer ein super Beitrag danke für die Mühe !!
    Finde es mal gut zu wissen wie dort so eine "Feier" abläuft.
    war bestimmt für dich auch ne schöne Erfahrung das mal zu sehen
    hehe der Tanz scheint dir ja ne menge spaß zu machen etwa ein verborgenes Talent ;) ?
    Gruß Marc

  2. Großartig!
    Und ich krank im Bett. Na, und was sag ich, da wartet Lara gar nicht mit dem Tanzauftritt, sondern direkt in die Vollen.
    Für den Oasengeburtstag im Juni kannst Du schon mal trainieren. Tolles Kostüm leihen kriegen wir auch noch hin. I`m looking forwards.

  3. Maus, nicht schlecht deine Erlebnisse die du hast und uns mitteilst. Ich glaube da kann ich mit meinem Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem ich gerade war, nicht mithalten. Lass noch ein paar von den Erlebnissen übrig ja, ich will auch noch was davon haben wenn ich im April komme :-)
    Echt toll deine Beiträge. Es freut mich, dass du es so gut angetroffen hast und viel "mitnehmen" wirst. Du machst es richtig: den Mutigen gehört die Welt! Dein Mut in die Welt hinauszugehen wird mit diesen -Erlebnissen belohnt. Wir sind stolz auf dich!!!

  4. Hi Lara, bin leider nicht so oft auf deiner Seite. Hocke lieber im Keller und renoviere ein bisschen. (Neid) Super Bilder wecken das Fernweh. Schmuggeln uns im Koffer bei Mama und Papa ein. Da Mama sich Weihnachten bei uns im koffer nach florida einschmuggelt. Wir bringen die hundebox für ipang mit. Sind ja versiert im hundetransport. Mama muss nur den flug sponsorn. wir wünschen dir alles gute und wünschen uns weitere beiträge alles liebe die heußens (ink. maria):D
