Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Singapore is right next to Indonesia
A very small, very clean, and very rich country; so basically the complete opposite to its neighbour Indonesia
Last week I had to leave the country to get a new visa and I decided to go to Singapore. I couldn’t have been more surprised by an Asian country. Singapore is by far the most western city/country I have ever been to and I did a lot of travelling already, even though I am only 20 years old. 
The population is very multicultural and hard working. Everything is expensive but the people can effort it, everybody owns an iPod, iPad and some European luxury car. Of cause there’ve got to be some very poor people, too, that can barely effort their living, but for some reason, you never get to see them. The city has a beautiful skyline which looks just amazing at night time. Attractions like Universal studios, the biggest ferries wheel and the biggest fountain of the world, huge laser shows at night and skyscrapers that seem like masterpieces of architecture and so many other breathtaking things should lead people to believe Singapore is situated somewhere in California instead of Malaysia.
Even though I can’t imagine Califonia to be as clean as Singapore. People literally mop the sidewalks every night.  The reason why this country is so clean is fairly simple.
 Singapore is not called a ‘fine‘-country for no reason. Littering will cost you 500 Singapore Dollars, eating in the subway also 500. For Spitting it’s 5000 Singapore Dollars if I remember correctly. And those are just some examples. I almost had to ‘donate’ 500 Sing Dollar because I ate in the subway without knowing it’s prohibited. Fortunately someone warned me before I was caught!
In Singapore everything is extremely expensive. A beer is usually between 10 and 15 Sing Dollar, books between 20 and 30 Sing Dollar and I didn’t have the courage to enter any of those Louis Vuitton, Gucci or Prada places that you can find everywhere in Singapore but I bet clothes are also extremely expensive.
People in Singapore shop in malls. I would guess there are probably up to a hundred malls that are big enough for people like me to get lost in. Craziness!!!
Everything in Singapore is just so impressive it seems almost a little unreal. And when you walk around downtown it's a little like a scene in some cheesy movie,  probably because of the background music.
There are speakers on the street that actually play classical music while you are walking in some pretty park or passing by a war memorial. Gives the City a nice flair! :)

Singapore was a very interesting experience for me, but after 5 days there I probably spend more money than I spend over months living in Indonesia.
However, I got my new visa and now I’m glad to be back in Lombok and at the Oasis

There are so many prohibiting signs, it's impossible to remember everything...

An amazing laser show at Marina Bay.

The skyline is breathtaking!

The Merlion, Singapores symbol.

My backpacker hostel was in Little India. Lots of Indian people and beautiful little flower shops. The Indian food was also pretty good, and cheap...which is hard to find in Singapore!

The biggest fountain in the world. Also a light show. It was beautiful!

The Universal Studios in Santosa. I would have loved to actually enter...too expensive!

There is something to sight-see on every corner in Singapore. This reverse fountain is right under the Marina Bay Hotel and underneath another giant, fancy mall.
Part of the lazer show is a movie projected on water. With music and all kinds of cool effects.

Just a muffin shop in a mall. Please, take all my money!!! :D


  1. hey
    erst mal Glückwunsch zum neuen Visum. Also wenn das mal kein Erlebnis fürs leben war. Die Bilder sagen ja alles. Das sieht schon verdammt gut aus was da so gemacht wird mit der Laser Show oder die Wolkenkratzer. Das mit den strafen sollten sie bei uns auch mal ein führen :D nur halt nicht so teuer und bei allem ;).
    Gruß Marc

  2. Boa eh ....echt toll :-) Aber das mit dem "sidewalk-mopping" - grins. Also das die Straßen gemobbt werden...oder habe ich das falsch verstanden :-)
    Tolle Bilder- tolles Erlebnis!!Es sei dir gegönnt :-)

  3. Super, da war Singapur aus der Luft ja nur ne Luftnummer.
    Beim nächsten mal muss ich unbedingt aus dem Flughafen raus.
    Nach dem Trubel kann man sich dann auf Lombok freuen. Da darf auch wieder überall gegessen werden:-)

    LG Papa

  4. Hi, das sieht echt beeindruckend aus... vor allem diese Platform da in der Luft :D echt krank.
    Scheint auf jedenfall auch für dich ein schönes Erlebnis gewesen zu sein, vorallem weil das ja wie du sagst das komplette gegenteil zu Lombok ist und damit mal ein wenig abwechslung nach einem halben Jahr ;P

