Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nasi for everyone!

 Before the Hollidays we had a special event at the Oasis. One of the sponsors decided to sponser a meal for every child. Every Tuesday a cook, Om Alwi, comes to the Oasis to teach the SMP kids how to cook. So this time they cooked a lot of Nasi Goreng, enough for everyone.

Cooking with Om Alwi.

The children are always looking forward to Tuesdays, because that means everyone gets something to eat. Not much though, of cause. But every child has to be able to try a little. Like this one time, when they made donuts with jam (Berliner), they made many very little ones, so that everyone could have a bite.

Astawa making the sauce.
And this is how it turned out in the end. Doesn't it look delicious?

Many kids means a LOT of Nasi Goreng!!!

Inge explains everything first.

The kids were very excited and liked it very much!

And everything was gone within minutes!

Isn't the little one on the left so cute! :D

Dear sponsor,
Thank you for this delicious meal. 
The children enjoyed it very much and were so happy about it!

Lara and the Oasis


  1. Schön das herzbild mit den Kindern! Und ohh ja!! Der kleine junge Links in dem einen Bild ist echt knuffig! :)

  2. oh ja das könnte er mir auch mal beibringen das kochen :D
    hoffe es hat euch gut geschmeckt ;)
    nicht das daher euer Fieber kommt :P

  3. Danke an Martina und Tanja mit ihren Familien, die dieses Essen gesponsort haben.Da wir einen Teil des Geldes für W.K`s Krankenhauskosten benutzten, gab es einen Teller für 2. So konnten die Kinder auch ihren Teil zu W.K`s Genesung beitragen.

  4. Echt schön, dass die Kinder soviel Spaß entwickeln, und noch schöner, dass es Leute gibt die so etwas sponsorn.

    Und ich muss sagen, das resultat sieht gut aus, also ich würds essen :D

