Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Dear reader,

Putu with her extra large Kamus (dictionary).
She got a very good one from the Oasis as a
thanks for spending the money on dictionarys for
all other SMP students in the Oasis.
 I would like to introduce you to a very special girl from the Oasis. Her name is Putu. She is 14 years old and therefore one of the oldest kids in the Oasis. She is not only the best student in her class but also the best student in here entire school. Indonesian schools are not very good (in the PISA ranking Indonesia was on the very last place) and Putu is convinced that she learned more in the Oasis then she did there.
Putu has a German sponsor who wanted to support her by giving her 50€ to invest in books. Since the Oasis has 100 kids the sponsors are usually not allowed to make they child a gift. The others would just get jealous. So there was an agreement, that Putu could buy which ever books she wanted up to a value of 50€ for the Oasis instead. This way everyone would have access to the books but they would still be Putu's favorites!
At that time, the school she is attending suddenly demanded that, from now on, every student had to have a dictionary for English. They didn't care how they got them. A dictionary is very expensive and the people can hardly afford their living. So Putu decided to invest all the 50€ in dictionaries for all SMP students from the Oasis.(SMP is her schoolform, SMP covers only grades 7 through 9)

I found it very admiring that Putu, who really is very poor, decided all by herself to invest all that money, which is really a lot here, into helping out all the others.

This is definitely worth a comment on my Blog!

Ani, Moni and Ayu with their new Kamus.

Most of my students, happy to have a Kamus. I only teach the SMP kids. (SMP- 7th through 9th grade)


  1. ja das ist schon bemerkenswert das so was meistens die armen Kinder machen und noch was abgeben obwohl sie selber nicht viel haben ...
    ich hoffe mal sie bekommt dafür wenigstens privat Unterricht von dir damit sie noch schlauer wird ;)

  2. man ist das eine süße Maus :-) .....und Marc, ob sie durch Laras Unterricht schlauer wird???? (hihihi)

  3. hehe ach was das liegt ihr doch bestimmt im Blut ;) die Gene hat sie ja
    und sie ist ja nicht auf dem Kopf gefallen

  4. Hallo, also heute haben die Kinder Lara stark vermisst. Sich einfach mal so einen freien TAg nehmen das geht nicht." Und wer lernt jetzt mit uns, wir wollen doch Englisch machen." Na, das heißt doch deutlisch ihnen gefällt`s!
    Oh Lara, die ersten 2 Monate sind rum! Man, ging das schnell. Da fliegst Du ja schon bald wieder.
