Friday, June 15, 2012

Goodbye Oasis

After several more farewell activities (I just kept coming back, and they had to keep throwing farewell parties, barbeques and waterfights), I am back in Germany.
It took me 38 hours to get here though!

My parents and my brother picked me up from the airport.

Oh how I missed them. :D

The rest of the family came for a visit later that night. It was so great seeing everyone again.

My cousin!

My dad and my grandmother

We watched videos of the Oasis.

Right on the next day I visited my (hopefully) future University in Maastricht, the Netherlands, with my parents. On saturday I will move there for a dutch course. 

My first dutch french fries! So good!

My mom and I

The dutch did prepare well for the European championship. They didn't stand a chance against Germany anyway! :)

I've been back for about a week now and I can't believe how comfortable we live in Germany.
After living in Lombok for 9 months you see everything in a different light!

This was my last post.

For 9 months I have been posting in this blog. All in all I made 61 posts to make western people understand Indonesia, or rather Lombok, and the Yayasan Anak Oasis (children's oasis of Lombok) a wee bit better. I do think, people who followed this blog might have gotten a pretty good insight view on these things.

To me, these 9 months were extraordinary. Only very few people can claim to have made similar experiances like me, wether they were good or bad. I learned a lot during this time and will always remember the precious time I had with the Anak Oasis.
The kids at the Oasis are so wonderful, nobody could ever forget them and I really hope I can return as soon as possible. I wish these kids a happy and successfull future, they deserve every bit of it!   
I really admire the heads of the Yayasan Anak Oasis. They are doing such a great job despite the many difficulties that keep popping up. They patiently manage to overcome every crisis where I would have probably given up already. I couldn't imagine someone doing the job any better!

Thank you for the wonderful time Anak Oasis!