Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hello everybody!

It's only been one day but I already have a whole lot to tell you!
Let's start with the story about Ipang. Ipang is a maybe 2 or 3 months old puppy. But first you should know that in Indonesia all animals run around freely. They are not beeing kept in cages or inside the house like in Europe. As an example, almost every family has at least one chicken and the chicken just runs around everywhere and will eventually find it's way back home for supper.
So this morning I was riding with Sam on the back of his motorcycle to the Yayasan and we were almost there when I saw this cut little puppy crossing the street (more like an alleyway). Those who know me know what's coming next. I poked Sam and I was like "Look what a cute puppy, Sam! Isn't it so sweet! Can I pet it? I want a puppy like that!", so Sam looks at me "You do?" so I answer " Yes of cause, who wouldn't?". So, next I know is that Sam speaks a few words with the lady next to the puppy and she tries to catch it but fails. I think to myself "Ok, no petting the puppy then". But Sam tells me that the lady would bring the puppy to the Oasis later and I get my hopes all up.
When the woman eventually came, she gave me the dog and Sam goes "There you go, we will take him home when Yayasan is over"..."Whaaat?? I didn''t want the dog, I just wanted to pet it!" was my answer to that. A little missunderstanding but, oh well...
That's how I got my own little puppy. We named him Ipang. Fortunately Panca didn't have a problem with having a second dog. We already have one at home, his name is Upin. But like I said before, the animals walk around freely so I have only seen Upin twice in two weeks...

All of the kids were playing with him so he was...
After Yayasan we went to Wayan Uni's house. She works at the Yayasan, too, and had a ceremony today. The ceremony was for her first child which turned 6 month today. After 6 month the children are allowed to touch the ground. So before, it always had to be carried! Thats what this ceremony was for...if I understood correctly...

To be continued..

So sleepy!

...pretty exhausted later!

Everybody at Wayan Uni's house


                                                            Alvin is a cook and comes to the Yayasan once a week to teach the kids how to cook

Wayan Uni and I

Ipang and Fakur

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dear reader,

Welcome to my new blog!
From today on I will start posting pictures and comments  about my indonesian experience in Lombok and the Yayasan Anak Oasis (Children's Oasis of Lombok) regularly.
I am glad that you found your way to this blog and I hope you will enjoy reading about my experiences and the peculiarities of Indonesia.

Since this is already my 18th day in Indonesia (time flies here!) I had a head start and could already get a good first impression of what is awaiting me during the next year.

Here some particularly indonesian facts I experienced first hand:
They are everywhere!

1. There are more motorcycles than people. Don't ever try to drive a car in Indonesia. No european person would be mentally prepared for this chaos and the carelessness of everyone else.
2. Never depend on the internet to work. If it does, it is most likely slow enough for you to do your shopping while waiting for a website to load.
3. A marriage means major traffic jam because of the entire weddingparty doing a march on the streets after the ceremony.  Motorcycles just continue driving off roads, whoever is not driving a motorcycle is screwed. Unfortunately people here marry a lot!
Wayan Uni's wedding
4. There is no place for trash. So what do we do? Drop it or burn it! (I especially had to get used to this...I just couldnt bring myself to just throw my trash anywhere---but then it started to pile up..)
5. Everything here is pelan-pelan (very slow) and punctuality is secondary.
6. You can get a nice meal for less than a euro but everything else but food is expensive (sometimes even for german standards)
7. People shower twice a day and COLD!

I hope these few facts gave you a first impression on the indonesian mentality and sparked you interest. Of cause more will follow soon!
This is what it looks like everywhere
So that's it for my first comment.

Best wishes,
